OK compost Product Certification
For information on OK compost product certification please visit https://www.tuv-at.be/green-marks/certified-products/
A Member in Good Standing of TIC Council | TÜV®
For information on OK compost product certification please visit https://www.tuv-at.be/green-marks/certified-products/
Due to the commencement of the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) on May 25th, 2018, the automatic request of person certificates via our website will be temporarily disabled as the publication of data specific to individuals without explicit consent of the individual concerned is no longer allowed.
We only publish information on person certificates if the certificate in question is valid and if the certificate owner has agreed via a written request to the publication of certificate information (first, last name, academic degree, certificate number).
Certificate owners may send us their application for publication of certificate information by online form, by email topersonenzertifizierung(at)tuv.at or by mail.
For questions regarding person certification please contact us by email personenzertifizierung(at)tuv.at.
For further questions regarding data protection, please contact datenschutz(at)tuv.at.
Quality assurance is very important to us. To check the validity of a person certificate please call Tel.: +43 (0)504 54-8133.
To check the validity of SCC certificates issued before 2015 call Tel.: +43 (0)504 54-6251.