The new TÜV AUSTRIA TIMES is out!
- 08/01/2017
- Marketing Industry & Energy Infrastructure & Transportation Business Assurance Digital Services
- Created by TÜV AUSTRIA Marketing
Technology is in a process of permanent change. Because it isn’t the state at a point in time that counts but the paths we choose. With the opening of the TÜV AUSTRIA Campus our Group has turned the focus on customer benefit. There is “more inside” TÜV AUSTRIA. Read more in our TÜV AUSTRIA TIMES Summer Issue!
TÜV AUSTRIA TIMES 2/2017 Flotte unter Strom Der Weg zum Fuhrpark der Zukunft Raffinerien im Fokus | TÜV AUSTRIA stärkt die IT-Sicherheit | Eine Feier für den neuen Campus Charged-up fleets On the road to the vehicle fleet of the future Refineries in focus | TÜV AUSTRIA boosts IT Security | A ceremony for our new campus