TÜV AUSTRIA Expands Materials Competency in the Rhineland with Testing Service Provider Tecnotest
- 09/04/2018
TÜV AUSTRIA has operated for over ten years in Cologne and Filderstadt/Stuttgart with services relating to cybersecurity, motor transport technology, machine technology, management systems as well as basic and further training. In the Bavarian town of Burghausen, the Austrian group of companies offers solutions in non-destructive material testing, welding monitoring and technical inspection. Now TÜV AUSTRIA is expanding its competency in non-destructive testing in the Rhineland, explains Thomas Biedermann, executive business director of TÜV AUSTRIA Group: “In Austria, we are broadly diversified with decades of experience in non-destructive and destructive material testing, a large radiation room and Technische Versuchs- & Forschungs GMBH (TVFA). With Tecnotest’s experts we are now topping off our range of solutions in materials technology in the Rhineland as well.”
Tecnotest has been conducting radiographic, ultrasonic, surface-crack and hardness examinations in Germany and abroad for over 30 years. The new member of TÜV AUSTRIA Group also provides companies with consulting on the construction and operation of plants and machinery.
TÜV AUSTRIA Deutschland is a wholly owned subsidiary of TÜV AUSTRIA Group, a testing and certification company that offers technical safety and security solutions in over 20 countries. Founded in 1872, independent TÜV AUSTRIA has established itself as a partner for industrial companies, plant operators, commercial, industrial and craft enterprises, health facilities and municipalities as well as scientific and research institutions.
TÜV AUSTRIA Deutschland übernimmt den renommierten ZfP-Prüfdienstleister Tecnotest mit 34 Mitarbeitern und Sitz in Leverkusen. V.l.n.r.: Rainer Trossen, Tecnotest, Thomas Biedermann, TÜV AUSTRIA Deutschland, Roland Werwein, Tecnotest
TÜV AUSTRIA Deutschland übernimmt den renommierten ZfP-Prüfdienstleister Tecnotest mit 34 Mitarbeitern und Sitz in Leverkusen. V.l.n.r.: Rainer Trossen, Tecnotest, Thomas Biedermann, TÜV AUSTRIA Deutschland, Roland Werwein, Tecnotest
TÜV AUSTRIA Deutschland übernimmt den renommierten ZfP-Prüfdienstleister Tecnotest mit 34 Mitarbeitern und Sitz in Leverkusen. V.l.n.r.: Rainer Trossen, Tecnotest, Thomas Biedermann, TÜV AUSTRIA Deutschland, Roland Werwein, Tecnotest