Safe systems and machines for the safe availability of disinfectants
- 05/07/2020
- Created by Daniela Dollenmayer, TÜV AUSTRIA Deutschland GmbH
In times of corona crisis, the supply of disinfectants is not only a question of production volume. TÜV AUSTRIA recently tested products of the mechanical engineering company Raff + Grund GmbH, whose systems make a significant contribution to closing supply gaps by providing safe machines for the production of disinfectants.
Machines and plants for the production of disinfectants belong to a product group with special safety requirements. During the production of disinfectants, an explosive atmosphere is created which could be ignited by an ignition source, e.g. a spark. The right protection concepts avoid such dangers: In addition to Directive 2006/42/EC (Machinery Directive), Directive 2014/34/EU (Directive for explosion-proof equipment - ATEX) also applies.
The Directive for explosion-protected equipment - ATEX defines the requirements for products in potentially explosive atmospheres to enable their safe use. If the inspection of the plants and machines is positive, TÜV AUSTRIA confirms their safety and compliance with the requirements with a corresponding ATEX certificate.
With the ATEX certificate issued by TÜV AUSTRIA, manufacturers prove that their independently tested product meets the special health and safety requirements.
TÜV AUSTRIA Deutschland GmbH | Contact Information
General Manager Markus Pflüger
+49 711 722 336 22 | markus.pflueger(at) |
TÜV AUSTRIA prüfte kürzlich Produkte des Maschinenbauers Raff + Grund GmbH, der mit seinen Anlagen einen wesentlichen Beitrag leistet, Versorgungslücken durch die Bereitstellung sicherer Maschinen zur Herstellung von Desinfektionsmitteln zu schließen. (C) TÜV AUSTRIA
25 Jahre TÜV AUSTRIA Deutschland: Automotive Dienstleistungen, IT-Sicherheit und Datenschutz, Industrial Services, Explosionsschutz, Funktionale Sicherheit, Maschinensicherheit, Managementsysteme, Werkstoffprüfung, Aus- und Weiterbildung – TÜV AUSTRIA ist seit 25 Jahren starker sicherheitstechnischer Dienstleistungspartner für die deutsche Wirtschaft. Mit Lösungen aus einer Hand: (v.l.n.r.) Dr. Christoph Müller, EnBW, Christoph Nold, IHK, Markus Pflüger, TÜV AUSTRIA Deutschland, Eric Scheer, SIEMENS AG, (C) TÜV AUSTRIA, Maja Vierling/PicturePeople